River of Life
June 18 – 22, 2025
Dallas First UMC has hosted the River of Life mission event since 1999. During this five-day event each year, youth and adults serve as the hands and feet of Christ in our community by providing home improvements and fellowship to those in need.
Participation in this event extends far beyond our church walls. Youth and adults have come not only from our church, but also from other churches in Paulding County, in other counties in Georgia, and even from neighboring states. No experience is necessary—just willing hands and hearts!
River of Life Journey
Preparation for this event begins many months in advance. The River of Life committee begins making plans, selecting work sites, and raising funds shortly after the prior year’s event has ended. As prayer is the most crucial element of our preparation, we begin on our knees and end the same way! Countless hours are devoted to ensuring that no detail is overlooked to make each year’s event the best ever.
The River of Life event begins on a Wednesday evening with registration, supper, and orientation. Youth and adults are assigned to work teams and safety measures are discussed. Transportation and meal details are finalized for the week. A worship session and lights out, round out the opening session of River of Life.

The following three days begin at 7:00 am with breakfast and devotional time followed by physical labor. In this time of getting to know their “clients,” prayer and fellowship become just as important, if not more so than the shingles placed, or nails hammered.
Each day, the participants are transported to a local high school for showers, and then back to the church for some playtime including tournaments in volleyball, dodgeball, or broom hockey. This is followed by dinner and an awesome time of worship including an enriching prayer labyrinth.
On Sunday, the event culminates with an incredible 10:00 am River of Life worship service conducted by the participants. Testimonies are given and stories are shared about the life-changing experiences of the past few days. We are fortunate to welcome many of our clients who also share the blessings they have received. Songs are sung and our worship speaker provides a message to sum up the week
Join Us!
There is a place for you, regardless of how little experience or time you have to devote. Please consider getting involved in this year’s River of Life. Pray about how you can best serve God through your participation. Once you do, you’ll be hooked! It will become a part of your life, as it has ours! You WILL be blessed!
For more information, questions, or to have a River of Life registration packet emailed to you, please contact the church at 770-445-2509 or by emailing us